Effectiveness of Training and Development in ECIL

Author: Ms.SIRISHA DAMARAJU, Research Scholar
Guides: Dr.P.Sai Rani, Associate Professor and Dr.T.Narayana Reddy, Associate Professor
Institute: Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Studies (JNIAS), Hyderabad.

This study is an attempt to extract the training and development needs of the employees in various departments of ECIL. Wherein 100 questionnaires were distributed from all levels of the management to know how the induction, training needs, development of the employees were the company played a very significant role in the training and growth of high caliber technical and managerial manpower especially in the fields of computers and Information Technology.
Keywords: Training and development, effectiveness, Organisation, Skills

In today’s environment of increased accountability, the effectiveness of training process is a critical component of an organization’s training program. Trainers and the organizers conducting the program are not only accountable for what employees learn, but they are also accountable for ensuring that trainees transfer their knowledge to their work performance.
Training of employees is critical function of Human resources management. Effective training is an attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitudes or increasing his or her skills and knowledge.
Effectiveness of training helps to remove “performance deficiencies” in employees. The deficiency is caused by a lack of ability rather than a lack of motivation to perform. Training effectiveness contributes to employee stability, employees become efficient undergoing training. Efficient employees contribute to the growth of organization; growth renders stability to the work force. Effective training makes the employee versatile in operations and is important to structure the process ahead of time so that goals for training are clearly alienated and long term results of development of a company culture, work ethnic or way of doing business can be cultivated effectively.

Organizations are facing great pressure to change these days to facilitate and encourage whole person development and fulfillment beyond traditional training leads to effectiveness of training. Effectiveness of training is all about the expressions such as enabling learning, facilitating meaningful personal development, helping people to identify and achieve their personal potential.

Effective training contributes the participants to expose to the latest productivity techniques and acquaint participants with the basic approach underlying creative thinking and integrate the application of these techniques and helps participants gain insight into their own behavior patterns and expand awareness of their potential.

Individual effectiveness in terms of skills, knowledge and attitude, is one of the essential building blocks towards achievement of the wider goal of improved organizational efficiency and effectiveness. The development of organization and individual are therefore inextricably linked.

Training must be tailored to fit the organizations strategy and structure. It is seen as pivotal in implementing organization-wide culture change efforts, such as developing a commitment to customer service, adopting total quality management, or making a transition to self-directed work teams. Pace – setting Human Resource Development departments have moved from simply providing training on demand to solving organizational problems.

Trainers see themselves as internal consultants or performance improvement specialists rather than just instructional designers or class room presenters. Training is only one of the remedies that may be applied by the new breed of Human Resource Development practitioners. In an age of network organizations, alliances, and long-term relationships with just-in –time suppliers, leading companies are finding that they need to train people other than their own employees. Organizations with a strong focus on customer service may provide training for purchasers to their product.

Effective training needed for changes occurring at an increasing pace in technology, information systems, and attitudes to the behavior at work etc. A need to make and manage cost reductions, a requirement for more professionalism, a need for more analytical and assertive business management, a more flexible, aware and demanding work force.

 To know to what extent the training program fulfilled the expectations of the trainees
 To identify the method of training that made it effective.
 To identify whether there is a well-designed training policy at ECIL.

The study consists of different aspects related to training the study is to be continued in different aspects such as evaluation of training using different methods and influence of training in the employees work culture after few months and existence of such influence of learnt aspects its implication, implementation in organization by employee can be studied so such aspects can be covered in further study.

The employees were given a questionnaire for evaluation of effective training program in the organization asking response on the following parameters
 Methods of training used
 Needs Assessment
 Pre-training Orientation program
 Post training program

This is a very important step in the research process. If the execution for the project proceeds along the correct lines, the data to be collected would be adequate and dependable. Hence it was necessary to see to it that the project proceeds in the right direction and in the right manner within the limits. The respondents were made aware of the purpose of the project and the probably benefit of expressing their frank views. The introduction accompanying each copy of the questionnaire made the things even clearer and ensured the required response. In the questionnaire, the respondents were asked to express their views on the present training scenario at ECIL and were asked suggestions for improving and views of what to be introduced according to them in the training programs.

The tools planned for analysis of the project are Spearman’s Rank correlation which is used to evaluate the four parameters on which questions posed to the respondents are ranked accordingly to the employee’s views and organizations views by data collection which are collected through the information given by the questionnaire analysis.

An Empirical Investigation and Comparative Evaluation of Effectiveness of Training at ECIL:

Rank Correlation = 1− 6∑d2 ∕ n (n2-1)
= 1 − 6(6) ∕ 4(16-1)
= 1 − 36 ∕ 60
= 1 − 0.60
= +0.4


The ranks obtained for both organization and employees give positive rank correlation as the training given is effective which satisfied all the parameters and the needs of organization is congruent to the needs of employees.

To gauge the effectiveness of training, change behavior, shape attitudes, reduce defects, increase sales, enhance quality, of training program for many trainers, managers, executives, and other professionals with an interest in training.

The proceeding question illustrate the complexity of any effort to evaluate training and emphasize the importance being clear about the purpose and its process .Effective evaluation will not just happen it should be well planned . A system has to be followed before the training program starts. It is to be emphasized once again that evaluation must be included as part of the training program, and not something to be thought of at the end of training. Hence a plan of effectiveness should precede training and not follow it.

Through knowing the Effectiveness of training the organization comes to an idea about the real worth of the program. The idea for improving future workshops and institutes is known through knowing effectiveness of training. The justification of funds is expended, as a basis for rational decisions about future plans for an organization and to list out most effective method which facilitates learning for trainees. On comparing the ranks given the learning index of all the sessions, it can be concluded that it’s not only knowledge of the faculty that’s helps achieving the set objectives but also the methods and aids used have a great impact in learning. Thus establishing correlation between employees and organization the following methods can be adopted for the training to be more effective which trainers can always use in their training sessions: Role plays, Simulations, Case study followed by syndicate discussions. Brainstorming and questioning outdoor and, indoor activities apt to the subject.
Any organization investing time and effort in training of executives is interested in the transfer of executives is interested in the transfer of knowledge to the job and its impact on the performance. Thus, the training institution and the trainers have an important role in ensuring that knowledge acquired at the training institution finds sufficient application. Technical skills can be measured, increased in the knowledge can be measured but assessing the degree of change in job performance is difficult because of various factors involved. Thus all the measures which will enhance and update the employee skills and are congruent to employee’s needs and organizations needs should be effectively

Through the study Effectiveness of Training at ECIL it is found that the organization follows accurate measures for making the training programs conducted in the organization effective and benefited to all the top management, middle management and lower management needs and simultaneously fulfilling the needs of the organization and updating and enhancing the skills of the employees.

Through the help of Spearman’s Rank Correlation the ranking allotted to different causes such as needs assessment ,methods of training followed by the organization are useful to the employees and pre orientation and post orientation evaluation are the parameters for which employees and management provided a feed back when ranked both gave positive result which means that the organization provides all the parameters are satisfactory and useful to the growth of employees and organization simultaneously.

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